McKinney-Vento Assistance Act
Federal and State Laws provide rights and additional services and supports for students and their caregivers in certain living situations. This could include additional educational services through Title I, Part A and /or the federal McKinney-Vento Assistance Act. Your child or children may have the right to:
- Immediate enrollment in the school they last attended (school of origin) or the local school where you are currently staying, even if you do not have all the documents normally required at the time of enrollment.
- Continue to attend their school of origin, if requested by you and it is in the best interest.
- Receive transportation to and from their school of origin, the same special programs and services, if needed, as provided to all other children, including free meals and Title I.
- Receive the full protections and services provided under all federal and state laws, as it relates to homeless children, youth and their families.
If you have any questions about these rights, please contact the local homeless liaison, Doug Brown, by phone at 805-937-1148 or by email at