Blochman Garden
The school garden is starting to take shape. We have started a sensory garden with four of the five senses represented, sight, smell, taste and touch. You can also see some color here and there from the plants and flowers donated by Wal-Mart and Home Depot.
One of the electives that students from 5-8 grade can participate in is working in the school garden. Once a week for an hour, students can water, plant, rake, and harvest in the garden with Trudy.
We have received an abundance of donations from our generous community and I would like to give them a big Thank-you! Farm Supply, Zaca Mesa Winery , Kenneth Volk Winery, Shannon Clay, Michael and Jeania Reasner, Trudy Shank, Mary Jaimson, Cottonwood Winery, Mr. Miller, Home depot, Wal-Mart, Plantel, Foxen Winery and Randy & Nancy Newton for donating the beautiful tree stumps and wood chips. If you have gotten a jump start on your spring cleaning and come across something you think might be useful in the Blochman School garden please contact Trudy Shank at 937-1148.